Literacy & Numeracy

Our school operates the workshop model which includes a structured approach to support and maximise learning outcomes. Learning intentions and success criteria, support whole class teaching along with small groups and individual time with the teacher. Learning activities follow the same approach.

Reading acquisition in the junior classroom is supported using daily guided reading for small groups, allowing the teacher to monitor and target reading strategies, skills and progress closely.

In the middle and senior grade workshops and independent reading sessions consolidate and extend reading and comprehension skills with focused teaching and increased student engagement through self-selected reading material. 

Across the school writing, spelling and grammar skills are the focus of the second literacy hour and often linked to reading, class units of learning and special events.  We utilize ‘Words their Way’ to support and develop understandings linked to word knowledge.

Literacy is also supported by our well-resourced school library, and we have access to the East Gippsland Library in Omeo.

Numeracy including Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, Statistics and Probability with proficiency strands of: Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning. Our key resource in numeracy is ‘Top Ten’.

Assessment in Literacy and Numeracy is carried out at the beginning and end of the year, with teachers monitoring progress during the year as units are introduced and completed.
All classrooms have access to interactive devices, laptops and iPad.